FAQ U Haul
1. When do I need to reserve my truck?
As soon as you know that you need to move. A concrete date isn’t always important, although helpful, as you can always reschedule as things change. The sooner you make that reservation, the better you chances are of getting the equipment you want, for the amount of time you want, where you want.
1. What do I need to bring to rent?
To rent a U-haul truck, you will need a few things. First and foremost a valid United States or Canadian driver’s license is required to rent. Do not bring in your ticket that “works like a license”. It may work if you’re pulled over, but not to rent a U-Haul.
Secondly, you will need a credit or debit card. If you do not have one of these, not to worry, we can still help you. We will just a little more info. The credit/debit card MUST be present at time of rental. NO EXCEPTIONS.
If not using a credit/debit card, a $100 deposit will be required to rent a U-Haul. Additionally, “meaningful assurance” will also be required. Acceptable items are listed below. These items will be retained until the rental truck is returned and the transaction is completed. It is the customer’s responsibility to retrieve these items.
Acceptable “meaningful assurance”
1. Car registration
2. Picture work id
3. Long distance phone bill with matching address to your drivers license
4. Green card
5. Passport
6. Military ID
1. Why can’t I have my truck longer then the time allotted?
It is CRITICAL that you make you reservation a.s.a.p. to avoid this question. As we have a limited supply of equipment, reservations are taken as a first come, first scheduled basis. This means that if you make your reservation 3 weeks in advance, and you need a 17’ U-haul truck 18 hours on a Saturday, there is a good chance that you will get just that. However if you wait until, say the Wednesday before your move, there might only be 6 hours available in a smaller truck as the time slot requested is already partially occupied by another family who already made a reservation.